Finger joints cause pain and healing

What if the veins of the hand stop moving and no one can work? It is hard to imagine. According to the data, more and more people suffer from pain in the joints of the fingers. If earlier these were particularly age-related problems, now the number of hand diseases has increased, and the number of patients has increased. Age limit is expanded.

Aching joints

There are more than a dozen common diseases of the fingers. Consider why finger joints hurt and the main methods of treatment.

Main factors of disease:

  • pathology of the immune system;
  • Chronic infection;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heredity;
  • all kinds of hand injuries and microtrauma;
  • exposure to harmful factors.

common type of hand joint disease

Arthritisis a joint disease that also affects children. According to the figures, there are three females per ill male. Characteristics of the symptoms:

  • Symmetry of wounds - concerned about similar pain in right and left arms;
  • As the disease progresses, pain is selected from the fingers to the wrists, elbows, and other joints;
  • Acute attacks of pain irritate all night, and the pain decreases during the day;
  • with symptoms - increased body temperature, numbness of fingers, chills.

Arthritis Disease- a disease rich people. It was believed to be caused by frequent use of fatty foods and alcohol. As it turned out, the exact cause of the disease is a violation of purine metabolism. , Which leads to salt deposition. The main contributors to obesity, alcoholism and leukemia disease. Mostly, men over 40 years of age are ill. In the case of this disease, thumb pain is seen.

Sometimes gouty arthritis can be confused with rhizarthrosis. In this disease, the thumbs are also affected, but the cause is excessive stress. This includes working on the computer with a keyboard, knitting, sewing, Finger pain with joint deformityAlso often written work. X-rays will help to understand which disease has affected the joints.

Psoriatic arthritis.This disease is a component of the disease called psoriasis, in which the skin is affected. Only about 15% of patients have pain in the joints of the fingers, the reasons for this vary from:

  • nervous system work is interrupted, the person is under constant stress, a difficult stressful situation; Joint injury, along with pre-existing psoriasis, may cause inflammation;
  • Drugs can provoke disease. Consult your doctor before using any pain reliever;
  • Heredity plays a large role. If it is known that someone in the family has psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, there is a high probability that the younger generation will be susceptible to these diseases.

Distal fungi of the hand are most often affected. Unlike arthritis, the disease is asymmetric. For example: if there is an injury to the thumb and index finger of the right hand, a small and ring finger is hurt. or ifOne hand is affected, the other is in exactly the right order, without disease.

osteoarthritis- dystrophic disorders of cartilage tissue in the joints of the fingers. The reasons may be different: heredity, trauma, metabolic disorders, occupational stress on hands, hormonal changes in women. Diseases to the elderlyOften it proceeds without visible signs and pain sensation, although sometimes you may feel that there is joint pain in the morning. As the disease progresses, pain appears in the joints of the hands. To not miss this disease, you should pay attention to the nail plates. In the early stage, Heburdan nodules are noticeable on the nails.

Deformed fingers pain

Next is damage to the fingers. Most often, the pain is symmetrical. Not everyone's pain is the same. Some patients experience burns during the formation of nodules, but are usually practicallyThere is no pain. There is also swelling and redness in everyone's fingers. When the thumb is affected, osteoarthritis is replaced by another form of the disease.

Rhizarthrosis.The main symptom is thumb pain. The main causes of illness can be: joint weight, trauma, previous infection.

Busharov's nodules- a rare form of arthrosis of the proximal interfangral joints of the fingers. The joints are deformed due to changes in bones.

stenosis ligamentitis- inflammation of the periarticular tissues of the hands. The disease can be mistaken for arthrosis or arthritis, an X-ray is needed for clarification. Also called flare disease. The sore finger is bent and opened with one click. And the main symptoms include pain when flexing, swelling of joints, bumps of different sizes.

Infectious arthritis- Infection occurs in two ways: skin damage or through blood.

diagnosing the problem

The following doctors treat pain in the joints of the hands and feet: Neurologists, Rheumatologists, Surgeons, Hematologists, Trumatologists. Contact a physician first, he will conduct an examination and refer you to the doctor required.

A doctor's visit is unavoidable in such cases:

  • Injury results in injury to the joints of the fingers, the presence of swelling and deformation of the joint;
  • Hand pain does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • Pain in fingers of right hand, as well as above normal temperature, rash.
  • Joint pain lasts more than ten days;

Complete diagnosis includes:

  • General blood and urine tests, sometimes, in addition a biochemical blood test;
  • x-ray of both hands;
  • An additional examination is ordered if other symptoms are present.

Based on the examination, test results, and examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis.

treatment for joint pain in hands

After finding out why there is an injury to the joints, proceed to treatment. Complicated anti-inflammatory therapy is often prescribed. It includes such a complex of treatments: elimination of pain, relieving inflammation, Normalization of blood flow, improvement of motor function. In case of infective arthritis, doctors will prescribe antibiotics. The right treatment will also be done to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints. Drugs stabilize glucosamine and chondroitin levels - components of the articular cartilage. , Play an important role in the synthesis of connective tissues.

occupies one of the main locations in physiotherapy treatment. The procedures are divided into two types of general and local action. The general novocaine is applied to electrophoresis of vermel with microwave resonance therapy. Pharmacological electrophoresis. , Diodynamic therapy, laser treatment, magnetotherapy - these are all topical procedures.

The dystrophic lesion of the joints of the hands requires early restoration of damaged cartilage using chondroprotectors and additional measures: therapeutic massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy.

In the period when the illness returns, doctors perform mud, therapeutic massage, manual therapy, and medical practice. If pain relief, home-made ointments are prescribed, but only according to prescription and prescription. Period of discharge. Medications for are contraindicated.

folk remedies

Please note that treatment of hand joints with folk remedies should be specifically prescribed by the doctor:

  1. Maz-rescuer.To prepare the ointment, mix 20 grams of dried Caucasian helb herb and the same amount of honey, 5 grams of mustard powder and 10 grams of any vegetable oil.Folk remedies help with joint pain in the fingersIn a small container, in a water bath, stir until melted and smooth. Allow the ointment to cool and pour into a dark jar. It is recommended to apply ointment every day before bed.
  2. Equally effective propolis ointment. It is necessary to mix a small piece of propolis with vegetable oil until it becomes a thick sour cream. Use as an ointment, applying each fan on your hands. apply the.
  3. Pain in vinegar can relieve pain.
  4. Rubbing with a tincture of chestnut or lilac flowers is effective. The tincture, like any other, is prepared with alcohol, put in a dark place and shaken periodically.
  5. Lingonberry infusion will help relieve pain. I recommend drinking a glass of tea twice a day.
  6. For medicine, take equal amounts of vodka and valerian infusion. Add a pair of red chili pods. Put in a dark place and let it brew for at least one day.
  7. Almost none of the folk remedies can do without garlic. It is difficult to list how many diseases garlic can withstand, joint pain is no exception. Garlic can be consumed in small portions of hot milk after meals. It is advisable to take it with an equally effective garlic tincture.
  8. laurel leaves and juniper needles ointment will withstand pain in the joints of the fingers in just one month. To prepare it, grind the bay leaf and needles, and add soft butter to them. For a month, every day thisMassage your hands with the ointment and forget about the pain.
  9. Another ointment recipe: mix with St. John's wort leaves and petroleum jelly.
  10. A well-proven remedy for olive oil, turpentine, alcohol, and camphor. To prepare, mix all ingredients in equal amounts, and shake the ointment jar well before applying.

If you have pain in the joints of the fingers, consult your doctor and choose for yourself the recipes of one or more of the folk remedies given above. It will only take a month, and after regular use, You will forget about the pain.


Nutrition plays an important role in health. It can improve and worsen your condition.

Limit or eliminate the following foods:

  • sweet and starchy foods;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • salt;
  • spicy dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • mayonnaise.

Eat foods as often as possible:

  • cauliflower
  • all types of lettuce;
  • grenades;
  • current;
  • foods containing linseed oil and fish oil;
  • Water is an irreplaceable source of life. Follow your drinking regime, drinking at least 2 liters a day.

medical practice for hands

Repeat practice 10 times every day:

  • Gently press and defile your hands in the fists, gradually increasing the speed of exercise;
  • spread your fingers in all directions, and then pinch;
  • Use your thumb to touch all the fingers of your hand;
  • Initial position - Palms on a hard surface, alternately moving each finger up and down without raising the entire hand.

prevention is better than cure

It is impossible to find a person who you said was good to be ill. Why think about why the joints of the fingers hurt, look for reasons and treatment, if you can just avoid the disease. In order to not be, it is necessary to engage in disease prevention, eating well, giving up bad habits, in a word, leading a healthy lifestyle.

so that you do not think about why the joints ache and how to treat them, follow these basic suggestions:

  • Keep your hands warm:
  • Eliminating or reducing alcohol and tobacco in life;
  • Replace foods with lots of fats and spices with vegetables and fruits;
  • Discard coffee and black tea. Drink green and herbal teas;
  • does not tolerate colds on the feet under any circumstances, but has to undergo a full course of treatment, otherwise complications may arise;
  • For the prevention of diseases in joints, exercise and swimming - it has a beneficial effect on the work of the joints.

Follow the advice in this article and why you will solve the problem of joints that hurt on your fingers.